Scala from Scratch: Understanding is the second in a series of two books that teach you the Scala programming language. Readers that have read Scala from Scratch: Exploration or have learned some Scala trhough other means will get a deeper understanding of the language features and underlying functional programming concepts that have been explored in the first book. You will also learn about important advanced language features that play a crucial role in many real-life Scala projects. While doing so, you'll get to know best practices that have been established over the years. By the end of the book, you will have a grasp of the language, its idioms, and common tools and techniques, allowing you to be a productive member in commercial or open-source Scala projects.
Scala from Scratch: Exploration

Scala from Scratch: Exploration is the first in a series of two books that teach you the Scala programming language. Readers that have some experience with an object-oriented or imperative language, like Java, Ruby, or Python, will get a comprehensive overview of what Scala brings to the table. The goal is to get you excited about Scala and give you a strong foundation for writing your first applications and continuing your journey. By the end of the book, you will have a good idea of what it's like to work with Scala, and you will have written a small, but complete command-line application based on a Functional Core, Imperative Shell architecture.
The ebook and the hardcover book are available at two different shops. Only Leanpub allows me to create discount codes. If you would like to get both the hardcover and the ebook, here's what you can do: Send me an email with a picture of your hardcover book, and I'll send you a Leanpub coupon code allowing you to get the ebook for free.
The Neophyte's Guide to Scala

From November 2012 to April 2013, I created and published a blog series called The Neophyte's Guide to Scala, targeted at aspiring Scala enthusiasts who have already made their first steps with the language and are looking for more detailed explanations.
Later in 2013, I published an ebook version (PDF, epub, Kindle) at Leanpub using a pay-as-much-as-you-want price model.
If you prefer an HTML version, here are the links to all its 16 parts:
- Part 1: Extractors
- Part 2: Extracting Sequences
- Part 3: Patterns Everywhere
- Part 4: Pattern Matching Anonymous Functions
- Part 5: The Option type
- Part 6: Error handling with Try
- Part 7: The Either type
- Part 8: Welcome to the Future
- Part 9: Promises and Futures in practice
- Part 10: Staying DRY with higher-order functions
- Part 11: Currying and partially applied functions
- Part 12: Type classes
- Part 13: Path-dependent types
- Part 14: The Actor approach to concurrency
- Part 15: Dealing with Failure in Actor Systems
- Part 16: Where to go from here