I have been intending to start blogging again for a long time. Now I have finally managed to put this into practice. I am a maker of software, and my plan is to primarily blog about my experience as well as opinions on various aspects of the software development process. But from time to time, I will certainly put on the user hat and write about the intricacies of human computer interaction from that very different perspective.

Why do I do all that? I am humble enough to be convinced that the majority of the world will not care about what I write here, will not even read it. But I like to write, it helps me to get a clearer understanding by forcing me to organize my thoughts. Also, I have found other people's blogs to be not only interesting, but also very useful in certain situations, and I do think that my contributions might be helpful to the one or the other person, too, or at least entertaining.

For those interested, I decided to stay away from hosted blogging systems and instead make use of Jekyll, a very nice, blog-aware static-site generator written in Ruby.